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Our Easter Opening Times

image of an alarm clock against a pink background with white fluffy bunny ears wrapped around it to symbolise Easter

With the Easter bank holiday weekend coming up, we wanted to let you know our upcoming opening hours.

Our opening hours

The practice will be closed over the bank holiday weekend, from Friday 7th April to Monday 10th April. We will re-open as normal on Tuesday 11th April.

Wishing you a Happy Easter.

woman smiling in the background smiling with straight, white teeth, holding up a model of a dental implant as the focus of the picture to show the titanium screw

Missing teeth can have a significant impact on your life both physically and emotionally. Eating and speaking can become difficult, and your self-esteem and confidence can take a hit. In some cases, it can even lead to social anxiety and embarrassment.

If you have a missing tooth or teeth, then you may have considered getting a dental implant. However, how do you know if you need one? In this comprehensive guide, we will discuss everything you need to know about dental implants, so you can make an informed decision about your oral health.

What they are and how they work

Dental implants are artificial teeth that are implanted into your jawbone. They are made of titanium and are designed to be a permanent solution for missing teeth. A dental implant itself consists of three parts: the implant itself, the abutment, and the crown. The implant is surgically placed into your jawbone, where it fuses with the bone over time. The abutment is a connector that attaches the implant to the crown, which is the visible part of the tooth.

Dental implants are an excellent option for people who have lost a tooth or teeth due to injury, decay or periodontal disease. They are also suitable for people who have worn dentures for a long time and are looking for a more permanent solution.

Signs that you may need a dental implant

If you are missing a tooth or teeth, you may be a good candidate for a dental implant. However, there are certain signs that indicate you need a dental implant. 

woman holding a green apple in one hand and holding her cheek in pain as she eats to symbolise her tooth ache

  • You have a missing tooth or teeth: This is the most obvious sign that you may need a dental implant. Whether you lost a tooth due to injury, decay or gum disease, a dental implant is an effective solution that can help restore your smile.
  • Your teeth are shifting: When you have missing teeth, the surrounding teeth may start to shift and move out of place. This can cause bite issues, difficulty chewing and can also affect your speech. Getting a dental implant can help prevent these issues and ensure your remaining teeth stay in place.
  • You have difficulty eating: If you’re having difficulty eating certain foods or are avoiding certain foods altogether due to missing teeth, it’s time to consider a dental implant. A dental implant functions just like a natural tooth, allowing you to chew and eat your favourite foods without worry.
  • Your speech is affected: Missing teeth can cause difficulty with pronunciation and can affect your speech. This can be embarrassing and can also impact your professional and personal life. A dental implant can help restore your speech and boost your confidence.
  • Your self-esteem is affected: Having missing teeth can greatly impact your self-esteem and confidence. You may feel self-conscious when smiling or talking to others. A dental implant can help you regain your confidence and improve your quality of life.

Think you might need a dental implant?

If you are experiencing any of these signs, then you should book a free consultation with us at our dental practice in Preston to determine if a dental implant is right for you.

Book your consultation

Benefits of dental implants

There are several tooth replacement options available, including dentures and dental bridges. However, dental implants offer several benefits over these options:

  • Improved oral health: Dental implants do not require the removal of any healthy teeth, which can help preserve your oral health.
  • Improved speech: Missing teeth can affect your speech, and dental implants can help you speak more clearly.
  • Natural: Dental implants are designed to feel and function like natural teeth. With our premium option, we will be able to match the current shade of your teeth to make your dental implant blend in and look the same as your natural teeth.
  • Improved appearance: Giving you the confidence to smile again.
  • Long-lasting: A permanent solution for missing teeth that can last a lifetime with the proper care.

The dental implant procedure

ginger older woman smiling as she holds up a cosmetic mirror, looking at her white smile in a dentist chair as a dentist's hands wearing blue gloves points at her teeth

The dental implant procedure consists of several steps.

  1. The first step is your free consultation to determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure. 
  2. If you are, then the next step is the surgical placement of the implant into your jawbone.
  3. After the implant is placed, the implant will then fuse with the bone over time. This process can take several months and you will need to follow a strict aftercare routine to ensure proper healing.
  4. Once the implant has fused with the bone, the abutment is placed, and impressions are taken to create the crown. 
  5. The crown is then attached to the abutment, completing the dental implant procedure.

How much is a dental implant

The cost of our dental implants starts from £2250 for a single tooth.

To help spread the cost, we offer several low interest financing options to help make dental implants more affordable to those who need them. For more information on our finance options, take a look at our website.

At our dental practice in Preston, we understand the importance of having a healthy and beautiful smile. Our experienced team is here to help you determine whether a dental implant is the right solution for you. 

Schedule a consultation and take the first step towards restoring your smile and confidence.

Book your consultation

close of up beautiful woman with brown curly hair smiling into the distance, wearing clear wired braces

As a leading dental practice, we understand that every patient has unique needs and preferences when it comes to orthodontic treatment. That’s why we offer these two great options for those who want to straighten their teeth: Invisible aligners and clear wired train track braces.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the key differences between these two treatments and help you decide which one is right for you.

Invisible aligners: The ultimate discreet option

Invisible braces, also known as clear aligners, are an excellent choice for those who want to straighten their teeth without drawing attention to their orthodontic treatment. These braces are made of clear plastic, and they are custom-made to fit your teeth precisely. You’ll receive a series of aligners that gradually move your teeth into the desired position.

pretty woman with a full fringe with white, straight teeth, holding up a invisible braces ready to put over her top teeth

One of the biggest advantages of invisible braces is that they are virtually invisible. Most people won’t even realise you’re wearing them. Additionally, these braces are removable, which means you can take them out to eat, brush, and floss to suit your lifestyle. This makes it easy to maintain good oral hygiene and eat the foods you love.

Clear wired train track braces

Clear wired train track braces are an excellent choice for those who want a durable and reliable orthodontic treatment that is still discreet. These braces work in much the same way as traditional metal braces, but the brackets and wires are made of clear or tooth-coloured materials.

They can treat more severe cases of misalignment and can produce results more quickly than invisible braces. Plus, they are bonded to your teeth so you don’t have to worry about losing them or misplacing them. 

Want to chat about your straightening options?

If you’re interested in invisible braces or clear wired train track braces, we’ll help you achieve the straight, beautiful smile you deserve.

Book your consultation

Our Six Month Smiles is a clear brace that’s designed to straighten your front teeth in around six months. It achieves speedy results because it’s focused on tackling cosmetic problems and straightening the front teeth. If you have a special occasion coming up that you would love to have a dazzling smile for, these could be perfect for you.

Let’s compare the two treatments

When it comes to choosing between invisible braces and our Six Month Smile braces, it really comes down to personal preference and the specific needs of your case. Here are some key differences to consider:

  • Appearance: Invisible braces are virtually invisible, while clear wired train track braces are discreet but still visible.
  • Durability: Clear wired train track braces are more durable than invisible braces.
  • Treatment time: Invisible braces can take longer to produce results than our clear wired train track braces.
  • Removability: Our clear aligners can be taken out to eat, but our Six Month Smile braces are bonded to your teeth throughout the treatment process.

Ultimately, both treatments have their advantages. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have and help you choose the treatment that best meets your needs.

Book your consultation

older woman with a white, straight smile smiling with hand on her chin looking to the left

January is a time for reflection and where people often make New Year’s resolutions. It’s about creating good habits for the future and setting goals to achieve in the upcoming year to improve your life. We think that consistent dental care should be added to everyone’s New Year’s resolutions to help maintain dental health and improve self-esteem!

Read on to find out why you should start by booking your free consultation at our practice in Preston.

Prevent dental problems from arising in the future

Often when people don’t have toothache, they think there is nothing wrong with their teeth. However, visiting the dentist regularly is highly recommended to ensure any problems with your dental health are identified early on to prevent more serious and costly problems down the road. If no problems exist, it will ensure that the health and function of your teeth and gums is maintained. 

Dentists can even detect issues such as oral cancer and other health problems in the early stages when they are most treatable.

Help with dental anxiety

A big reason why people don’t go to the dentist is because they struggle with dental anxiety. This can range from mild nervousness to a severe phobia. Symptoms include sweating, shaking, rapid heartbeat and avoiding making dental appointments. 

The good news is that we help our nervous patients feel at ease, overcome and manage their dental anxiety. We do this by dedicating longer appointment slots to give them the time to relax. We also offer the option of Intravenous Sedation, which is when one of our dentists will give you a sedative drug before the dental procedure. This helps reduce anxiety, and many patients do not remember much of the procedure.

Here’s a quote from one of our previous patients who underwent IV sedation:

“Nadim explained everything and ensured I was ok throughout treatment , Jenna called me a few days later to check how I was after sedation at home. They all have changed my thinking, what used to put me into blind panic is now enjoyable and a great experience.”

Alternatively, Dr Majid is trained in hypnosis, and studied under Paul Mckenna and Richard Bandler. By muting the irrational thoughts regarding visiting the dentist, hypnosis can create a feeling of calm.

State-of-the-art technology

close up of a screen from an Intraoral scanner showing a digital image of a lady's teeth

It’s important to us to keep up with the latest technologies in order to give our patients the best experience they possibly can. Digital dentistry allows for more efficient, accurate and comfortable dental procedures. 

You may have experienced having impressions made of your teeth using putty and trays, which are often uncomfortable for some patients. Our IntraOral scanner creates a digital impression of your teeth, which eliminates the need for those traditional impressions. We use a small wand to capture a digital representation of your teeth and gums which we then use to plan your further treatment. With accelerated precision, it takes just 30 seconds to scan single arches of your teeth!

We also have a CT scanner which is a machine that rotates around you, capturing images using a cone-shaped x-ray beam so we can produce 3D scans of teeth. It delivers outstanding precision every time and enables us to achieve high-quality and reproducible images.

Book your free consultation with us today

We offer a complete care approach to our patients, allowing you to achieve your dream smile whilst feeling comfortable and relaxed.

Book your consultation

Professional and caring staff

Our team has often been praised for their kind and empathetic nature, as well as their dental skills. Having a dental team that you feel comfortable and at ease with is just as important as their professional skills in our books. 

If you’d like to meet our team, take a look at our website where you can put a face to a name before your consultation.

Special offers available

pretty girl smiling in a dentist's chair with her new dazzling smile whilst a dentist points at her teeth with pale green gloves on.

Don’t let the cost of treatment prevent you from getting the smile you’ve always wanted. Our special offers on teeth whitening treatment make it even easier to get the smile that you want.

We will ensure that your teeth and gums are protected during your whitening treatment and give you longer-lasting results than over-the-counter products.

Have a look at our specials on offer.

Improve your confidence to smile

As well as improving your dental health, we can improve the appearance of your smile with our range of cosmetic treatments. Teeth can have a significant impact on our confidence and self-esteem. A healthy, attractive smile can improve our confidence and help us feel more comfortable in social situations. 

Whether you suffer with crooked, misaligned, missing or discoloured teeth – we have a unique treatment journey we can make for you to give you the confidence back in your smile. 

What’s included in our free consultation?

  • Pre-assessment to determine your needs
  • Discussion of your current situation and your desired goals
  • Introduction to the staff and a tour of the practice (this is especially helpful for nervous patients).
  • We will discuss some options and also show you what are possible options so you have an understanding of how we could help you.

Book your free consultation today to get started on your New Year’s resolutions early!

Book your consultation

a woman wearing white gloves holding up two invisible braces to form the shape of a heart

Invisible braces can correct several different orthodontic issues, such as crooked, twisted and maligned teeth, to give you a balanced, even smile.

Here are 5 key reasons why you should invest in this treatment and transform your smile in 2023.

You can straighten your teeth discreetly

Perhaps you are put off the idea of having braces because you picture the traditional train track braces? The good thing about Invisible Braces is that they are clear, meaning you can straighten your teeth discreetly. The aligners look like clear, flexible retainers and are removable, so you can take them out when eating or brushing your teeth.

You have had braces before but your teeth have started moving back to their original position

This is very common and something we see a lot. A lot of people have braces as a teenager and after treatment they do not wear their retainers. This eventually leads to teeth starting to move out of alignment. Although your teeth may be better than they were, you are still not quite happy with them; that’s where Invisible Braces are perfect. Depending on the complexity of your case, you could have straighter teeth in as little as 12 weeks.

After feeling self conscious about my teeth, I decided to have Invisalign. It’s the best decision I’ve ever made, the service was amazing, everything was explained to me. I’m so happy with the results. Highly recommend this dentist. I was also told at my NHS dentist I had gum disease and having a check up at a private dentist is SO different. It’s worth every penny.

They are comfortable to wear

The aligners are custom-made for you to gradually straighten your teeth. This means they will not irritate your mouth or gums and will not interfere with your sleep. 

The treatment is predictable

Your unique clear aligners digital treatment plan maps out the exact movements of your teeth. Using our digital scanner, we can show you what your teeth will look like after your treatment. Your clear aligners are then designed to apply the right amount of force to the right place at the right time based on your plan.

You want to improve your confidence to smile

Arguably the most important reason to get invisible braces is to improve your confidence. If you find yourself shying away from photographs or feeling embarrassed when showing your teeth, then invisible braces are a great solution. 

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Dr. Nadim Majid qualified from Liverpool Dental school in 2001 and since then has worked in Lancashire for a number of years. He decided to undertake a career in dentistry as he found it was a good mix of science and art and also gave him the ability to help people and make a difference for them.

This really hit home when he worked in a nursing home for a short time and actually saw the impact upon the health and well being of patients whom had lost their teeth the impact was significant on the general health and well being and this is something Dr. Majid wanted to make sure he helped others avoid.

Dr. Majid is trained in hypnosis, sedation for nervous people, dental implants as well as braces. He lives in Lancashire with his two children (twins) and his wife who is a teacher. Dr. Majid has always and will continue to be focused on producing top quality services that his patients have come to expect and appreciate.