Invisalign Dentist Services Are About More Than Just Looks | Lifestyle Dental
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Invisalign Dentist Services Are About More Than Just Looks

You will have to agree that Invisalign Dentist services are about more than just looks, but how? It is just straightening of your teeth, right? People who have crooked or crowded teeth often wonder what their life would be like with straighter teeth. It is not easy to live with a smile that is the subject of every joke and ridicule thrown at you, hence this thought.

A lot of people around us are not gifted with the “perfect” smile. They can’t even imagine of smiling and/ or laughing like other “normal” people do and this gives them a major complex that scars their self-esteem and self-worth for life. A cosmetic dentist in Preston can help you come out of this life of misery and get back your self-confidence. You too can live the life you’ve always wanted to live and smile like you deserve to just like everyone else around you.

There should be no embarrassment in the way you express your feelings or hesitation in your body language or any kind of inhibitions that prevent you from enjoying your life and a smile that lights up the room is what makes it all possible. And what makes that smile possible? A cosmetic dentist in Preston who has ample knowledge of how Invisalign works!

Invisalign lets you:

  •    Say goodbye to fear and nervousness
  •    Express yourself with confidence in front of the ones you want to impress
  •    Increase your chances of getting selected for your dream internship
  •    Show off your million dollar smile to the world

Following are some of the problems Invisalign can easily fix for you:

  •    Crooked Teeth

If you have crooked teeth you can very well straighten them out with the help of Invisalign.

  •    Overbite

An overbite is a very uncomfortable and deformation condition of your teeth and here your upper teeth close over or too far from your lower teeth. This causes difficulty in chewing and biting into some foods.

  •    Underbite

Similarly, when one suffers from underbite, the bottom teeth are in the front and the upper teeth get behind them which causes more and frequent wear to your teeth and also creates difficulties with your speech. Invisalign can fix this.

  •    Crossbite

When someone’s upper teeth sit inside their lower teeth it can cause them to chip. This constant wear down of their teeth results in recession of their gums. Invisalign can help move their teeth in the right position and treat a crossbite.

  •    Crowded Teeth

At times there is just not enough room in one’s jaw for all the teeth, hence the name “crowded teeth.” This happens when your jaw is not able to accommodate all of your teeth. They become overlapped and begin to twist and turn which is called crowding. The lack of space or less space between your teeth causes food to get lodged in between them and this results in the formation of tartar and plaque. Invisalign can help you prevent this by resolving this problem which easily contributes to tooth decay and severe gum disease.



Dr. Nadim Majid qualified from Liverpool Dental school in 2001 and since then has worked in Lancashire for a number of years. He decided to undertake a career in dentistry as he found it was a good mix of science and art and also gave him the ability to help people and make a difference for them.

This really hit home when he worked in a nursing home for a short time and actually saw the impact upon the health and well being of patients whom had lost their teeth the impact was significant on the general health and well being and this is something Dr. Majid wanted to make sure he helped others avoid.

Dr. Majid is trained in hypnosis, sedation for nervous people, dental implants as well as braces. He lives in Lancashire with his two children (twins) and his wife who is a teacher. Dr. Majid has always and will continue to be focused on producing top quality services that his patients have come to expect and appreciate.

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