Do you want straighter teeth but don’t want to wait for up to two years to get that great smile?
Do you want straighter teeth but don’t want to wait for up to two years to get that great smile?
Most people would like straighter teeth although do not want to spend a year or even longer in some cases wearing braces, yes you can get clear braces as well like Clearstep or Invisalign although these can take just as long so if your looking for a solution to get straighter teeth fast then this is for you
The six month smile system is now available at lifestyle dental by concentrating on the front teeth and the teeth that show when you smile most people can be treated within six months
The brace itself is very discreet and here is a picture of some one wearing the brace.
The brace itself consists of clear brackets and a tooth coloured wire. There can be a small amount of discomfort although this can be alleviated with painkillers available over the counter.
Once the brackets are fitted review appointments are made once every month to change the wire and do any alterations.
Most people can be treated within six – nine months
If you would like to know more then please call us now on 01772 717316 or email lifestyle dental on