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How Will Your Dentist Determine The Success Of Your Dental Implant?

Do you know about the medical or technical term given to your gums and your body accepting the dental implant? It is called osseointegration and any reputed Lancaster Implant Dentist is going to strive for it the moment he sets up his drill to make a hole in your jaw bone. Typically dental implants are considered the ideal and permanent replacement for missing teeth, and this is because of their high success rate. Most modern-day dental implants that we come across are easier on our jawbones and do not take much time or hard work to get integrated into our body. You can also ask your dentist about mini dental implants in case you are experiencing bone loss. But for now let’s stick to what we were talking about and that is osseointegration. The success of it will depend highly on your bone structure and density among many other things. Let’s delve a little deeper into it and discover some factors that will determine the success of dental implants in Preston.



  • A dental implant is made of commercially pure titanium. This fuses with the bone of your jaw. But for this to happen successfully you need to be very healthy. If you smoke, try to quit. If you are taking any medications, your dentist will advise you to come off them or maybe begin a treatment to help you replace them with something that is not as harmful to your system than the previous medicines.
  • In case you have osteoporosis or a compromised immune system, you may not be considered an ideal candidate for dental implants at all. The dental implant expert in Preston will also perform a detailed assessment of your health and also that of your teeth, your gums, and jaw bone to see if you are a candidate for dental implants at all.

Is There Is A Thing Called Sufficient Bone?

Yes, your Lancaster implant dentist will perform certain tests to determine whether you have sufficient bone to anchor the dental implants in the first place or not. He will assess the quality and density of your bone and will only give it a go when he has enough reason to believe that the bone he sees is adequate to function as a tooth-supporting mechanism. When you have any kind of bone disorder or something like osteoporosis, the bone will tend to melt away or weaken or resorb when you lose a tooth. So typically it is very important to maintain its health so that the implant can find solid ground in it, literally. Although there is always an option of bone grafting which is effective in minimizing resorption and building up bone tissue that should be done only when absolutely necessary. All in all, everything about your candidature for dental implants and their success will be determined only when you go in for a check-up.

One of the most common and significant health issues which are possessed by a huge percentage of the UK population includes oral health problems. However, technology has made great advancements over the years which not only benefit in preventing decay as well as sealing of cavities.

Moreover, the recent topic of proactive research is stimulating medications that can work on cells growth for active tooth repair without using any unnatural material. If this idea could be turned into success, then Dentist ensures it would not only help in easy repair but complete regrowth of teeth.

dental implants

Talking about the current times, the dentist adopts the traditional approach of drilling the decayed portion and filling it with a substance which is similar to cement called amalgam. However, the latest research targets to derive the drugs that could act on the stem cells especially the blood cells and nerves. This will be of great help in filling the cavity through the growth of bone tissue.

The researchers are also working on the experiments of a low-cost drug called Tideglusib which will help to prevent tooth decay. But until now, the research is only confined to the use of drugs on rats and its trial on humans would be seen during the year 2019. If it comes to be successful, it would be a much safer solution to consider replacing mercury in amalgam.  

Also, Dentist in Preston uses to perform Root canal treatment on patients who have deep cavities with infection. However, the capping and filling of amalgam to repair teeth could fail over the years due to bite stress. Therefore, researchers at the university in Buffalo are trying to use the low light laser to help in regrowth of the cells because they believe that our body has its own natural process of healing.

The technology has also shown an important revelation but with many ethical and legal issues. Researchers have come with the idea of implanting tooth cells in the adults by harvesting from embryos to regrow the teeth from its primary stage just like in babies. However, it may need a lot of time and effort to prove the benefit of any of the above research and seeking the desired results.

Looking for Cosmetic Dentist in Preston, give us a call for booking an appointment!

yay-920879The truth is that most dentists will agree that they would rather people not use toothpicks, or that they at least be used very infrequently. The fact is that toothpicks are not a replacement or alternative for brushing your teeth with the proper tools of a toothbrush and toothpaste, floss, and mouthwash.
If you use a toothpick, wooden or plastic, gently and carefully then it may not damage your teeth – but it is more likely to damage the gum.
Toothpicks that are used over-zealously can damage tooth enamel, lacerate gums, and even cause a broken tooth in the most extreme cases. People who have bonding or veneers can chip or break them if they aren’t careful. Aggressive use of toothpicks can severely wear the roots of teeth, especially in cases where gums have pulled away from the teeth and leave teeth with root surfaces exposed, notably in the elderly.
If you are regularly getting food caught in between your teeth then you really need to check with your dentist as to why this might be. It isn’t healthy to regularly get food stuck in between your teeth. If you would like to make an appointment to discuss any of your dental concerns or questions, email us at info@lifestyledental.co.uk , or call us on 01772 717316.

There are a number of consequences of tooth loss and in this video Nadim talks about how damaging tooth loss can be and how to prevent the long term problems that can occur as a result of tooth loss

One of the areas which we excel at is the comprehensive clinical assessment at lifestyle dental we feel it is key to really understand and assess everything on a comprehensive level to really understand your concerns and then also deliver outstanding level of dentistry here Nadim explains a little more in the video below

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Dr. Nadim Majid qualified from Liverpool Dental school in 2001 and since then has worked in Lancashire for a number of years. He decided to undertake a career in dentistry as he found it was a good mix of science and art and also gave him the ability to help people and make a difference for them.

This really hit home when he worked in a nursing home for a short time and actually saw the impact upon the health and well being of patients whom had lost their teeth the impact was significant on the general health and well being and this is something Dr. Majid wanted to make sure he helped others avoid.

Dr. Majid is trained in hypnosis, sedation for nervous people, dental implants as well as braces. He lives in Lancashire with his two children (twins) and his wife who is a teacher. Dr. Majid has always and will continue to be focused on producing top quality services that his patients have come to expect and appreciate.