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Dental Implants – Life changing at Lifestyle Dental and Implant Clinic

Maureen talks about how dental implants have changed her life

IN this blog post we wanted to share what a difference a fixed bridge can make to your life here are some questions answered by a recent patient who underwent this procedure

Here are a few questions answered by a patient who had implants and a fixed bridge, he had a denture prior to this which he no longer need
Question 1: What was the obstacle in your mind that would have prevented you from having this treatment done?
Previously Cost
2: What did you find as a result of having the treatment done?
An enormous improvement in my quality of life.
3: What was the one thing you liked the most about having this treatment or coming to Lifestyle Dental?
I received excellent service over a period of 7 months
4: What would be three other benefits of having this treatment?
A Appearance
B Oral comfort
5: Would you recommend Lifestyle Dental to your friends if so why?
Yes certainly, There is a very good “feeling” about the practice and it is extremely well equipped.
R Taylor Blackburn

This Infographic shows what happens when you lose your teeth if your concerned give us a call on 01772 717316

tooth lost

what happens when you loose your teeth

DentalImplantImageIf you have implants or are considering implants it is important to consider your oral care. Having good oral hygiene habits are always beneficial, but especially so when you have implants. The hygiene of your implant-supported teeth is just as important as that of your natural teeth, as both rely on healthy tissue for support.
After your implants are in place you will want to ensure you’re cleaning around them in the proper way. Dental implants are attached to your bone and gums in a different way than natural teeth, and implants are made of a different material than natural teeth.
Implants are made with titanium, which is a metal that naturally fuses with your bone. Natural teeth have a greater blood vessel supply through which it can bring cells and nutrients, and is therefore more readily able to resist and fight against infection. Therefore, if you are ever concerned with your oral health, especially the tissue and gums around an implant, do not delay – contact your dentist right away.
As with natural teeth, plaque builds up on implants and needs to be cleaned on a daily basis.
At home, it is important to maintain regular brushing and flossing habits for optimum oral health: brushing at least twice a day, in addition to after meals or acidic foods, and flossing at least once a day.
If you would like to make an appointment to discuss any of your dental concerns or questions, email us at info@lifestyledental.co.uk , or call us on 01772 717316.

If you are considering getting implants there are some important things to keep in mind …
Here are a few questions you should ask your dentist – be sure to get answers before you make your decision for dental implants.

  1. How many implants do I need?
    Consider: The number of implants often determines the complexity of the procedure and also will have some implication of the cost. Also, in some cases, if there is not enough good quality of bone then more implants may be required.
  2. What implant system will the implant surgeon be using?
    Consider: There are over 500 implant systems around and some have more research behind them than others. The ones in teh top 3 have over 20 years of research which means they are safe and effective.
  3. How much does the procedure cost?
    Consider: It is really important to get the full cost for the implant and crown on top. Also, if you do require any bone grafting (artificial bone), determine if this cost will be extra or if it is included.
  4. Can I have sedation for my implant placement?
    Consider: implant placement is a very safe process, although it does involve surgery. We find that people are much more comfortable with some sedation, which helps patients relax.
  5. Immediate or delayed?
    Consider: will you have a provisional set of teeth straight away, or will you have to wear dentures for some time whilst the implants heal within the bone?
  6. Removable or fixed?
    Consider: the bridge that you have supported on top of the implants – will it be removable, or will it be fixed?

If you would like to make an appointment to learn more about dental implants, or to discuss any of your dental concerns or questions, email us at info@lifestyledental.co.uk , or call us on 01772 717316.

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Dr. Nadim Majid qualified from Liverpool Dental school in 2001 and since then has worked in Lancashire for a number of years. He decided to undertake a career in dentistry as he found it was a good mix of science and art and also gave him the ability to help people and make a difference for them.

This really hit home when he worked in a nursing home for a short time and actually saw the impact upon the health and well being of patients whom had lost their teeth the impact was significant on the general health and well being and this is something Dr. Majid wanted to make sure he helped others avoid.

Dr. Majid is trained in hypnosis, sedation for nervous people, dental implants as well as braces. He lives in Lancashire with his two children (twins) and his wife who is a teacher. Dr. Majid has always and will continue to be focused on producing top quality services that his patients have come to expect and appreciate.