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Dental Implant Failure Decoded

Dental implants can get critical at times especially when they don’t bond with your jaw bone. This is what your Lancaster implant dentist would call a dental implant failure. There could not be an easier way to put this through. Dental implants are anchors that are fused to your jaw bone so that they can support your bridges, artificial teeth and dentures, or crowns. This helps you in regaining the function of your mouth as if your natural teeth are back in place.

What helps the dental implants bond with the remaining of your jaw bone is a successful healing process. After the healing is complete, dental implants are able to fuse with the bone and prove successful in maintaining the integrity or bone volume of your jaw. This in turn restores your bite.

But Things Are Not Always As They Seem!

According to your local Cosmetic Dentist dental implants can fail to fuse to your bone which in turn can lead to malfunctioning of the teeth over time or unsuccessful abutment after all. This means no tooth will be replaced. No crown will be placed and you will have to go in for the procedure once again. It is obvious that they come with many benefits, but yes sometimes dental implants do fail. Some people think that the dental implant has rejected their body or vice versa whereas this is not the case at all. This failure does NOT happen due to our body rejecting it and make note that they do NOT create any antibody-antigen type responses in our body similar to organ transplant surgeries.

Leading Lancaster implant dentists say that dental implant failure is a result of various factors none of which is rejection of any kind. These reasons primarily stem from local factors or systemic /general health factors. Apart from them the surgery that the cosmetic dentist performed or any misstep in post-op care may also result in dental implant failure.

Dental Implants

What Is Early Dental Implant Failure?

According to leading Lancaster implant dentists early implant failure can be understood as a failure that you can see within the first 3-4 months of the procedure. Following surgical protocol is very important for any type of surgery to be effective in the long run and this is no different.

This necessitates having a qualified and well experienced cosmetic dentist. It can easily eliminate many of the factors that can lead to dental implant failure. When you get the surgery done by an experienced surgeon in the correct manner, it decreases the risk of early failure.

As a patient you should be completely honest and transparent with your doctor about what all medications you take and your current health condition. A well informed doctor can come up with an appropriate procedure that increases your chances of dental implant success.

Your Emergency Dentist Preston will always suggest you to follow a regular and good oral hygiene. This is what makes your teeth both natural and artificial last longer. When it comes to caring for your dental implants there are always special considerations to be kept in mind. In order to ensure the health of the dental implant your Dentist Preston will ask you to follow certain rules before, during, and after the procedure is complete. The placement of dental implants is easy but what makes them successful and function like the real teeth is the amount of care you put in.

Dental Implants in Preston

Most patients who get dental implants for the first time are usually concerned about what kind of care and maintenance they will have to exercise in order to keep their implants in a good shape. Should they brush and floss as if there is nothing artificial in their mouths? Should they treat their implants like their natural teeth? A very recurring question that many of us face is that do food particles get stuck underneath the implant bridge? Is it even possible to clean the prosthesis from underneath if that does happen?

Patients typically look to their Emergency Dentist Preston hygienists to address these problems. This not only helps them out in these situations but also the doctor can come up with an individual and personalized home-care routine for their dental implants.

Better Care For Your Dental Implants

Your Emergency Dentist Preston will explain how your soft tissue that surrounds the implant should appear to you whenever you brush your teeth. It should be pink, relatively firm, and also keratinized with no telltale signs of any kind of infection whatsoever.  Ask your dental implants expert what a keratinized tissue is. As for now understand that the Peri-implant soft tissue which is called the permucosal seal separates the connective tissues from the rest of the mouth and the outside environment. These connective tissues that surround the implant should be keratinized.

No keratinized tissue means your mouth or dental implants are more susceptible to pathogenic bacteria which again leave the implant prone to Peri-implant diseases. Understand that the success of your dental implants will highly depend directly on the health of the permucosal seal. If you don’t understand still how to go about the care and maintenance regime of your dental implants, don’t hesitate to ask your dentist about it. He will educate you on ways to obtaining keratinized tissue and also maintaining a healthy permucosal seal.

Do you suffer from a gag reflex

Here is a recent review form a patient who suffered from a gag reflex and how we helped her.


I have always suffered from a bad gagging reflex so visiting the dentist was always an issue for me and especially with having x-rays and impressions done and having dentists who

didnt understand my concerns, But now I found a dentist who did understand and listened to me, and explained that putting the new technology to use put me at ease and it sure did


Having my implants and new teeth fitted has given me the chance to smile again. It sure has been worth the wait.

I would recommend Lifestyle Dental to everyone especially if they are anxious. Nadim and his team are true professionals and I can’t thank them enough.

A.Haywood Preston

Implants August 18

If you suffer from a gag reflex and find it difficult to have dental treatment then give us a call on 01772 717316 and we can discuss your options.

What Makes You A Candidate For A Same Day Dental Implant?

If you have ever considered having a dental implant treatment done, you must’ve had doubts about it. This is probably because you never connected with a reputed dentist in Preston who could educate you about the same. Don’t wait for any more of your teeth to fall out.

One option that stops this recurring nightmare from coming true is a dental implant treatment. This is a procedure carried on by your Preston dentist and he will do it within a day if you want it that way. Yes, your oral surgeon or periodontist is capable of delivering same day implants as well but there are certain requirements for the procedure to be successful. For the immediate dental placement to be completely successful the patient’s screening process has to be extremely thorough. The ideal candidate would be someone who is in great dental and good general health and should avoid the following habits as they can negatively affect dental implants:


Drugs the intake of which increases the risk of bone death or deterioration after surgery

Bruxism or grinding of the teeth and clenching

Patients who choose same day implants should also be committed to regular maintenance of their teeth and good oral hygiene. If you have enough bone density, quantity and quality then you are the ideal candidate for immediate dental implants placement and loading. This is due to the fact that the anticipated initial implant stability is important and your Preston dentist will assume bone density, quantity and quality to be helpful in it.

What Makes You A Candidate For Invisalign?

Well, to put things in perspective here Invisalign treatment is for anyone who wants to look good without having to compromise on their smile. So yes, you are a candidate for it if you want to look your natural best. This is simply the process of wearing wires to straighten your teeth. The biggest difference here is that it is not a series of metal but clear plastic, removable aligners. These too work just like their metallic counterparts and gradually straighten your teeth over time.  Yes, and that makes a lot of difference in your appearance to be exact. There are no brackets or wires, and none of the usual restrictions that you are warned against in case of metal braces. The best part is that Invisalign treatment is a great solution for kids, adults and teenagers looking for a practically invisible technique to improve their smile.

Ask your emergency dentist in Preston and he would tell you that humans have been attempting to replace their missing teeth for centuries. The practice of switching broken teeth with implants has been there for thousands of years and we have evidence to support the same. But unlike the remains from countries such as China and Egypt, you will not have to make do with carved bamboo pegs or precious metals. We don’t need that kind of bling in our teeth.
Did You Know That Dental Implants Of Today Are The Closest Thing To Your Real Teeth?
If you have one or more missing teeth then considering a replacement for them in the form of dental implants is the right way to go. It is often the best treatment out there because according to studies they are the closest to your own healthy, natural teeth. Your emergency dentist Preston would tell you how a dental implant acts as an artificial root for your missing tooth/teeth. It can be easily placed into your jaw (provided you have enough bone density) to hold and keep in place a replacement tooth or bridge. Needless to mention they allow you to eat, talk and smile, and laugh with complete confidence.
 emergency dentist Preston
You can enjoy your regular activities and become more active in your everyday life. You can even participate in those chores that used to make you uncomfortable earlier without worrying about your teeth or your smile. Your emergency dentist Preston will use a titanium post which is the actual dental implant. It works like a tooth root which is surgically placed into your jawbone underneath your gum line. This allows your doctor to mount the replacement tooth/teeth or a bridge onto that area. You are relieved from the tension that it will become lose or fall off while talking or eating because these implants offer a strong hold and are nothing like dentures.
Apart From These There Is Another Aspect Of Your Dentistry That Ensures A Perfect Smile And That Is Invisalign
Is Invisalign as good as your old school braces?
Understand that your traditional braces typically make use of thin yet pliable metal wires. These are designed and positioned to get the most ideal movement or placement of teeth. The primary difference between braces and Invisalign is that the latter is practically invisible as the name suggests. They more than just straighten your teeth, the perfect your smile. So, ask your emergency dentist Preston how you too can get the perfect smile.

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Dr. Nadim Majid qualified from Liverpool Dental school in 2001 and since then has worked in Lancashire for a number of years. He decided to undertake a career in dentistry as he found it was a good mix of science and art and also gave him the ability to help people and make a difference for them.

This really hit home when he worked in a nursing home for a short time and actually saw the impact upon the health and well being of patients whom had lost their teeth the impact was significant on the general health and well being and this is something Dr. Majid wanted to make sure he helped others avoid.

Dr. Majid is trained in hypnosis, sedation for nervous people, dental implants as well as braces. He lives in Lancashire with his two children (twins) and his wife who is a teacher. Dr. Majid has always and will continue to be focused on producing top quality services that his patients have come to expect and appreciate.