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Dental Implants, Braces & Cosmetic Dentistry – Changing Dentistry

Dental implants seem to be gaining more and more popularity every day. They are affordable and realistic but is that all that makes them so sought after?

What Makes Dental Implants So Highly Preferred?

Even your cosmetic dentist will suggest you to opt for them if you have any missing teeth or deteriorating back or front tooth to be replaced. Clearly they are the next best thing to have ever come to rescue and restore your smile in a long time ever since we stumbled upon the most advanced and invisible braces and other kinds of retainers. They are made out of titanium and so you can rest assured that they are very strong, reliable and needless to mention the number of patients that have preferred them over the past few years would vouch for them being superlatively comfortable as well.

These are gaining popularity also because of the fact that the final output is very much natural looking and you don’t take much time to getting used to them being in your mouth. But what makes dental implants so suitable for you?

What are the most common problems that can be treated using dental implants? Following are the most common reasons for anyone to opt for dental implants:

  •       Individuals born without teeth can choose dental implants
  •       If someone has lost their teeth after an accident or serious trauma
  •       Someone who has had dentures in the past but is now unable to use them or are simply unwilling
  •       Edentulism which is a complete loss of all teeth
  •       When you desire a realistic looking and reliable cosmetic dental improvement, your cosmetic dentist would suggest this

Now talking about braces, what does your cosmetic dentist suggest when dealing with them? Taking care of braces is very critical and if you don’t do it right, you may risk tarnishing your smile for life.

Following Are The Basics Of Brushing And Flossing With Your Braces On

  •       Prepare to brush carefully
  •       Begin by taking off the elastics and other removable parts
  •       Clean your braces first by holding your brush at a 45-degree angle
  •       Clean around the pins and wires
  •       Brush from top to bottom
  •       Make sure to remove all plaque and debris
  •       Remember to work the brush around your upper and lower teeth
  •       Clean each tooth individually by again placing the brush at a 45-degree
  •       Clean every individual tooth for about 10 seconds in a circular motion
  •       Use this action on all outer and inner surfaces of your teeth
  •       It is highly recommended to use a floss specifically designed for people who have braces
  •       Rinse and check your teeth for residue
  •       Rinse thoroughly with mouthwash if needed.

Are you too looking for that perfect smile? Your teeth are shiny white but they are not as aligned or symmetrical as you would want them to be. That gap that has become wider as you grew older stares back at you from the mirror and honestly, it does not look pretty. Your dentist in Preston will advise you to get braces. And the day you decide to get them, you will be bombarded with a lot of opinions and thoughts. Someone will try to warn you against getting them and many who have already gotten them earlier in their days, will start listing down the various problems you are most likely to face. True, you have to take certain precautions while you are living with braces but when done with care and precision, you can overcome all difficulties related to braces. Your braces Preston dental expert will advise you to do the following if you want to make this treatment successful:

Regular Brushing

Your dentist in Preston will always tell you to adopt the habit of brushing twice a day. This is a part of the standard oral practice and dental care and is highly recommended world over. But when you get braces, you are advised to brush after every meal! Look at the positive side of it; you will start avoiding all mid-day snacks and the untimely late night sweet treats that you so like to munch upon. You’ll be preventing cavities from forming and you will not put on any extra pounds (LOL)!

Another valid reason that your dentist in Preston will suggest you to follow this cleaning regime is that any food particles that become trapped in your braces may pose a greater risk of you developing dental problems in your front teeth, making you lose all aesthetic appeal. That certainly defeats the purpose of getting braces, doesn’t it? Use a soft toothbrush or an electric toothbrush to clean your teeth and braces regularly.

What Are You Eating?

When you have braces, you will need to be more careful and alert regarding what you put in your mouth. Don’t eat too many sugary items such as candy, fruit juice and desserts and cakes, caramel and other sticky foods. You should also avoid any and all starchy foods that can cause plaque build up and that may result in staining of your teeth. Also if you want to keep your smile white and sparkling for life, make sure to avoid hard foods such as nuts, ice Popsicle and caramel popcorn and beef jerky. These can loosen or even break the wires of your braces. For more useful and additional tips on how to maintain your smile even after wearing braces, stay tuned!

It’s no big secret that orthodontic braces can do wonders for your smile. You’d be forgiven if you thought these nifty devices were just for children; adults can also wear them to remedy their dental issues. Living with braces, however, calls for a few lifestyle changes, especially to oral healthcare and what you eat. Even so, life with orthodontic braces doesn’t have to be challenging. Consider the following handy advice and tips for hassle-free living with braces.
Advice on Orthodontic Braces

Brush, Brush, Brush

Food and whatnot can get stuck in your orthodontic braces, and that can be quite embarrassing, if not unsightly. That’s why it is crucial to have toothpaste and toothbrush handy at all times. With that, every time you take your meals, make sure to brush your teeth thoroughly and get rid of any food stuck in your braces.

If the metal on your orthodontic braces looks or feels fuzzy or dull, the odds are that you aren’t doing a bang-up job on brushing your teeth. As such, you should ensure that all nooks and crannies of your braces are cleaned-up.

Flossing is Paramount

Brushing your teeth sometimes doesn’t get the job done right, which is where flossing comes in especially useful. It’ll make sure no food residue is left stuck in your smile. Floss once or twice every day so you can be confident that your oral hygiene is impeccable and avoid a food-filled smile.

Advice on Eating with Braces

Your first few weeks living with braces are no fun. If not installed by professional, the braces can poke into your cheeks and gums, which makes eating excruciating. Here are helpful tips to make eating with braces bearable:
● Eat and chew your food carefully and slowly. The last thing you want is to chow down on big bites.
● During the first painful weeks, stick to soft foods. Don’t worry — you’ll get to eat your lamb chops or steak once you get accustomed to them.
● Avoid long, stringy foods like spaghetti, mozzarella sticks, etc
● It’s best to avoid seeds, nuts, popcorns, and such other grainy foods that can get stuck in your braces
● Avoid biting with your front teeth. Take bites with your side teeth instead.
● Don’t be afraid to treat yourself to cold foods and drinks like frozen drinks, ice cream, etc. They can help numb the pain from the brackets.

Invest in Good Mouth Guards

Playing sports, physical activities, and vibrating music instruments can be a challenge with braces. That’s why it pays to invest in a brace-friendly mouth guard.

Congratulations! With these handy tips, we hope that living with braces can be manageable. More crucially, you should get your braces from Lifestyle Dental Practice.

Many have childhood memories of their own orthodontic care, or that of friends. The truth is orthodontic treatment is for adults as well as youth!
Most orthodontists recommend children to have a consultation when their permanent teeth begin coming in, usually around 7 years old. However, some children can be seen at 6, or 10, or later in their teens. An early visit to the orthodontist can potentially help with issues such as overcrowding or an uneven bite. Visiting the orthodontist young does not mean that braces happen immediately.
Some adults find that their once-straight smile has shifted over the years. Your smile is important and one of the first things people notice when they see you. Smiles are important for your self-esteem, but orthodontic treatment is far more than a cosmetic treatment. Crowded and crooked teeth lead to an increase in plaque and food buildup between your teeth. Additionally, crowded teeth can cause other related symptoms such as headaches and earaches.
It’s never too late to have orthodontic care. If you have questions, ask your dentist who can refer you to an orthodontist in your area.
Did you know that Lifestyle Dental provides orthodontic care? To make an appointment for an orthodontic consultation, or to discuss any of your dental concerns or questions, email us at info@lifestyledental.co.uk, or call us on 01772 717316.

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Dr. Nadim Majid qualified from Liverpool Dental school in 2001 and since then has worked in Lancashire for a number of years. He decided to undertake a career in dentistry as he found it was a good mix of science and art and also gave him the ability to help people and make a difference for them.

This really hit home when he worked in a nursing home for a short time and actually saw the impact upon the health and well being of patients whom had lost their teeth the impact was significant on the general health and well being and this is something Dr. Majid wanted to make sure he helped others avoid.

Dr. Majid is trained in hypnosis, sedation for nervous people, dental implants as well as braces. He lives in Lancashire with his two children (twins) and his wife who is a teacher. Dr. Majid has always and will continue to be focused on producing top quality services that his patients have come to expect and appreciate.