Straight Teeth In 16 Weeks For £5 A Day
Would you like straighter teeth ?
Fed up of having to cover your smile in photos and not smiling because your teeth are crooked. Well all that can be corrected with the Inman aligner which is an innovative brace.
Well braces take ages don’t they ?
The inman aligner works really well and really efficiently and can straighten teeth within weeks as opposed to months or even years here is an example of one treated patient treated with the inman aligner
But I dont want to wear a Brace
well actually you dont have to. Well not like the metal braces the inman aligner is a removeable brace which you take out and you only wear it for about 18 hours a day and it still is effective so for important events, meetings etc you can take it out and no one will know.
“yes but whats the cost” I hear you say
Well with the payment options at lifestyle dental you could have the inman aligner for as little as £5 a day (subject to suitability)
So How do You find out if your suitbale for the inman aligner?
well the next stage wodul be to get in touch with us on 01772 717316 you can call 24 hours a day seven days a week. or email at
or to fill in the contact form and request a free consultation to find out if your suitable for the inman aligner.