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Invisible braces vs. Clear Wired Braces

close of up beautiful woman with brown curly hair smiling into the distance, wearing clear wired braces

As a leading dental practice, we understand that every patient has unique needs and preferences when it comes to orthodontic treatment. That’s why we offer these two great options for those who want to straighten their teeth: Invisible aligners and clear wired train track braces.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the key differences between these two treatments and help you decide which one is right for you.

Invisible aligners: The ultimate discreet option

Invisible braces, also known as clear aligners, are an excellent choice for those who want to straighten their teeth without drawing attention to their orthodontic treatment. These braces are made of clear plastic, and they are custom-made to fit your teeth precisely. You’ll receive a series of aligners that gradually move your teeth into the desired position.

pretty woman with a full fringe with white, straight teeth, holding up a invisible braces ready to put over her top teeth

One of the biggest advantages of invisible braces is that they are virtually invisible. Most people won’t even realise you’re wearing them. Additionally, these braces are removable, which means you can take them out to eat, brush, and floss to suit your lifestyle. This makes it easy to maintain good oral hygiene and eat the foods you love.

Clear wired train track braces

Clear wired train track braces are an excellent choice for those who want a durable and reliable orthodontic treatment that is still discreet. These braces work in much the same way as traditional metal braces, but the brackets and wires are made of clear or tooth-coloured materials.

They can treat more severe cases of misalignment and can produce results more quickly than invisible braces. Plus, they are bonded to your teeth so you don’t have to worry about losing them or misplacing them. 

Want to chat about your straightening options?

If you’re interested in invisible braces or clear wired train track braces, we’ll help you achieve the straight, beautiful smile you deserve.

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Our Six Month Smiles is a clear brace that’s designed to straighten your front teeth in around six months. It achieves speedy results because it’s focused on tackling cosmetic problems and straightening the front teeth. If you have a special occasion coming up that you would love to have a dazzling smile for, these could be perfect for you.

Let’s compare the two treatments

When it comes to choosing between invisible braces and our Six Month Smile braces, it really comes down to personal preference and the specific needs of your case. Here are some key differences to consider:

  • Appearance: Invisible braces are virtually invisible, while clear wired train track braces are discreet but still visible.
  • Durability: Clear wired train track braces are more durable than invisible braces.
  • Treatment time: Invisible braces can take longer to produce results than our clear wired train track braces.
  • Removability: Our clear aligners can be taken out to eat, but our Six Month Smile braces are bonded to your teeth throughout the treatment process.

Ultimately, both treatments have their advantages. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have and help you choose the treatment that best meets your needs.

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Life brings you so many situations where you need to deal with casualties. Some of them involve accidents which bring you issues related to oral health. Sometimes, it is your lifestyle and health care routine which causes damage to your oral health. Therefore, it gets extremely important that you visit your nearby dentist to help you with Braces in Preston for issues where you need teeth alignment to improve your bite or enhance your smile. However, most of the time, these cosmetic treatments are very costly to afford for some people. Therefore, it is necessary that you must understand the cost involved in braces treatment depending on the type you choose.

Dentist in Preston
There are different types of braces with their own benefits and drawbacks. It simply means you have to pay according to the quality and features of the treatment. First, we have is the metal braces which are often called as traditional braces which cost around £2,000 to £2,500 depending upon your oral health and teeth condition. Then comes little advanced ceramic braces which lie in the price range of £2,000 to £5,500 for complete treatment.

The next we have in our list is the lingual braces which are little expensive and have a cost around £2,000 to £8,000 and at last, comes the Invisalign which are invisible braces that are completely invisible and the best kind of braces. The Invisalign treatment cost above £1,500. depending upon the complexity of the treatment.

All of these treatment options for braces have varying prices because of their features. For instance, the traditional braces are those which needs you to visit your dentist frequently to get the fixes for the braces. Moreover, these braces can misalign and cause injury in your mouth while eating while the most advanced treatment like Invisalign is very reliable and convenient.

Before you approach a cosmetic dentist in Preston for treatment related to braces, make sure you are already aware of the expected cost which you may need to pay. All the best!

For any oral health concerns, Meet our experts!


Most of the time when you develop some kind of dental issues, you feel like immediately rushing to an expert for right treatment and care. However, there can be so many other situations that may scare with the idea of waiting for an expert to get you an appointment. In order to counter such a situation, you need an expert dentist to intervene so that any complication related to your oral health could be prevented. Here we bring you the list of situations which are actually the dental disasters and needs you to visit Emergency Dentist in Preston.Lancaster implant dentist

Falling Of Permanent Tooth: if you are an adult who has crossed the age of baby teeth, falling of tooth can be a disaster. In such circumstances, the best thing which you can do is find your tooth and clean it so that you can take it to the dentist. Though it may sound a little strange, your dentist could help you get the tooth back at the place. However, in case of injuries that has lead to falling of teeth, make sure you never get late to approach a good Dentist In Preston.

Loose Teeth: the next reason for which you may need to visit a dentist is to have a loose tooth which feels to be moving. It can be a tooth which is moving when you touch it with your tongue or it may be a tooth which feels to be loose. In both the conditions, it becomes crucial that you must visit your dentist to get the grip better and avoid the loosening feel.

Tooth Pain: if you feel a toothache which only develops on consuming some hot or cold food, it is nothing to be worried as it can be a cavity that could be filled during your next visit to the dentist. However, if you are facing some severe pain in your tooth, it becomes necessary to rush for a dentist who can help you avoid problems deep inside your tooth. This becomes much more necessary when you start to feel inflammation in gums or discomfort during food.

Filling Loss: though it may not sound an immediate reason to get a dentist, the loss of filling in your tooth can cause sensitivity or pain when you take any liquid or food. Also, the negligence may lead to further damage that can cause complete loss of tooth or need for an artificial implant.

Tooth Abscess: when you have a gum tissue which is inflamed, it is actually a tooth abscess.  This type of situation occurs because of infection which can be very painful to bear. In case you feel no pain, you could find lumps or pockets which are filled with fluid. In case you ignore such condition, you may end up losing your tooth and damaging your other teeth due to spreading of infection.

So, if you have to deal with any of the above situations, it signals the need to visit an emergency dental expert who could help you get rid of oral health problem. Take care.

Call our experts to get the best advice on dental emergencies!!

There are so many people out there who start to feel anxious when they come to know about any kind of dental surgeries which they have to undergo. To overcome any complications working with such people, the dentist goes for a different approach which is called sedation dentistry. So, when you approach a sedation dentist in Preston, there are chances that you would go for a treatment with sleep dentistry which sometimes could also involve actual sleep. The sedation is adopted to make a patient calm and avoid any frightening experience one has to face during dental surgeries. The sedation procedures adopted for dental treatment are very helpful in making the entire process of treatment easy. So, here we bring you some more detail about the sedation dentistry which can help you find the perfect option for you if you feel anxious about the dental treatment or surgeries.

invisible braces

The first form of treatment which you would possibly encounter is the nitrous oxide which is popularly known as laughing gas. However, the process involving laughing gas keeps you conscious about your surrounding but your dentist would ensure a continuous dose given to you because it is gas which quickly wears off when you breathe. The sedation process with laughing gas allows you to go home by driving on your own. There are some patients who easily go for treatment with just a dose of laughing gas while some may need extra laughing gas along with oral sedation to ensure a smooth surgery and is good for people who got nervous with minor treatments like Braces in Lancaster.

Oral sedation is the second form of procedures adopted by the dentists for easy proceeding with dental treatment which needs you to take a prescription according to your case. It can be a single dose before an hour of treatment or otherwise, you have to start with a dose night before the treatment. Sometimes the oral sedation may also leave you feeling sleepy but the effect of medicine usually goes after 24 hours. Make sure if you need such kind of sedation treatment, you have someone to drive you to a dentist and then back home.

IV Sedation is the strongest form of sedation treatment which can leave you feeling sleepy so that you are not conscious enough to remember the treatment process. Though it is not a complete stage of sleep and if dentists need you to be awake, it can be done easily. The higher stage of sedation treatment ends with the general anesthesia which will leave you completely unconscious. This type of procedure is only adopted under the presence of experts who will keep a check on your vital moves and your body’s responses to the dose.

So, when you will visit any dentist, they can easily help you come over the anxiety using the sedation techniques like laughing gas, oral sedation and, IV Sedation. However, the general anesthesia is only used in hospitals or specialized clinic depending upon how sensitive you are to the treatment and surgery process. So, next time if you feel worried about the treatment have a word with your dentist to find the best sedation process that works for you.

Emergencies are situations that could never be predicted especially when it comes to health. Also, it is very important to work on the dental emergency because they can easily get worse making it tough for you to handle due to ignorance. If you are not paying attention to any nerve damages or cavities, then the chances to get severe tooth issues like loss of a tooth can occur. Some of the common dental emergencies which you may face related to your dental health could include broken teeth, lost crowns, pain, infections, etc. all these conditions increase the need to visit an emergency dentist in Preston for a quick treatment.

If you would continue to neglect the dental emergency, then chances are very high that the infection could transfer to your bloodstream and move to your neck or head increasing the threat to life. Thus, taking care of your teeth for the infections or any kind of accidents is the best thing you can do by visiting a dentist in Preston.

When you visit an expert for your dental problems, they have a lot of ways to deal with the dental condition. The modern techniques for managing the pain or loss of dentures include the use of synthetic materials for filling and restoring the teeth. During emergencies, a professional dentist can assess the condition of your teeth for any injuries and choose the best option for the treatment. They know all the strategies that could work well for bringing you out of pain and misery.

If you are not sure about seeking help from an expert, make sure you never take it to the level where you may lose your teeth. If you are not sure about the problem even then you must visit your dentist to get the right help. Generally, any kind of problems with the internal structure or nerves of the teeth are the major reasons behind the serious pain and that is something only a dentist could help.

So, if you too are not sure about what to do during a dental emergency, you can visit our clinic for a compassionate and gentle treatment. We assure you to serve with appropriate and affordable preventive care because we want you to always smile.

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Dr. Nadim Majid qualified from Liverpool Dental school in 2001 and since then has worked in Lancashire for a number of years. He decided to undertake a career in dentistry as he found it was a good mix of science and art and also gave him the ability to help people and make a difference for them.

This really hit home when he worked in a nursing home for a short time and actually saw the impact upon the health and well being of patients whom had lost their teeth the impact was significant on the general health and well being and this is something Dr. Majid wanted to make sure he helped others avoid.

Dr. Majid is trained in hypnosis, sedation for nervous people, dental implants as well as braces. He lives in Lancashire with his two children (twins) and his wife who is a teacher. Dr. Majid has always and will continue to be focused on producing top quality services that his patients have come to expect and appreciate.